You can check at any time which farmers have grown and harvested your cocoa and which route the cocoa has taken afterwards. Enter your iChoc Lot Number (back of the bar) and find out more about the people who grow our cocoa. The gray line shows exactly which stages the cocoa has passed through. Click on the gray line to find out more about the respective batch of cocoa. With every bar traced via this page, we pledge to donate 5 Cent to our current project in the Dominican Republic.
Our Mission: Transparency and Fairness. We ensure complete traceability of our cocoa, right down to the individual famers who harvest it. By tracking your chocolate bar, you contribute to impactful projects on the ground, supporting fair cocoa practices and a brighter future. That's farmer to bar!
Simon Yersin, Silqui Estevez, Luis Manuel Aybar, Alejandro Jose, Gerrit Wiezoreck, Wilder Edgar Nahui Leandro, Patricia Diaz,Cord Budde, Luis Angel De Los Santos, Beato Muñoz De La Cruz, Andreas Meyer
Some pioneers of the fair cocoa trade already source their cocoa traceably from large, organized cooperatives. This is currently the best that can be done. However, the cooperatives are very large and the individual who harvested the cocoa remains anonymous.
With iChoc this is about to change! We source our cocoa from a fixed producer route in the heart of the Dominican Republic.
All nine collection points on this route supply theFUNDOPO.cocoa cooperative. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology and partners such as Yacao,we are able to visualize the entire value chain down to the individual farmer for every iChoc bar. A total of 240 people harvest the cocoa that goes into our iChoc chocolates. We tell their stories and work with them to implement projects that benefit the people in the region. You actively support this project work every time you track your iChoc using the tracking number on the packaging.
In close cooperation with the local community, we are building a municipal aqueduct to improve the drinking water supply along the Yamasa distribution center.
Built in the form of an elevated cistern, the aqueduct holds around 5000 gallons of water.
This means that 39 farmer families from the iChoc Route and 10 other families who do not work in the cocoa sector can be supplied with water.
Here are the coordinates for its exact location 18.799664, -70.010486
2.Bild: Louis Enste (Co-Founder Traceparency), Andreas Meyer (Managing Director EcoFinia),
Gerrit Wiezoreck (Managing Director EcoFinia), Jonas Wedel (Co-Founder Traceparency), Rene Arrieta (Co-Founder Traceparency)
1. Bild: Gerrit Wiezoreck (Managing Director EcoFinia) und Simon Yersin (Managing Director Pronatec)
The idea was born in May 2022 in the Dominican Republic, when our then new Managing Director Gerrit Wiezoreck discussed the transparency of value chains with the young Pronatec Managing Director Simon Yersin. It took us over a year to jointly develop the technology, the cooperative's approval and the producer route...
Since January 2024, all of our iChoc cocoa (mass and butter) has come exclusively from this route and is therefore fully traceable. But that's not all: the team at EcoFinia that was initially only responsible for visualizing the tracking data has since been spun off into a small, sustainable IT start-up: Traceparency, consisting of Louis Enste, Jonas Wedel and Rene Arrieta, wants to use its expertise and unique technology to lead all companies that are willing to disclose their supply chains into the future of
supply chain transparency